Beyond the Classroom: Efficiency and its Discontents

Beyond the Classroom: Efficiency and its Discontents

Date: 14 November 2024
From: 17:00 till 18:00 - CE(S)T
Location: Tongerstraat 53, 6211 LM Maastricht, Room H0.06
Language: English

What is efficiency? Why should it matter? And is there evidence that it matters for our prosperity, well-being, and progress?

Jaap Bos, professor of banking and finances, will try to provide you with an answer during this edition of Beyond the Classroom.

Much of today’s economic policymaking revolves around efficiency. However, more often than not, the notions of improving productivity, enhancing efficiency, and stimulating innovation appear to be goals rather than a means to an end.

In this lecture, Jaap Bos will draw upon his experience advising policymakers regarding the economic crisis, bank supervision, and energy transition to critically examine large parts of the economic profession, policymakers, and, last but not least, the end consumer.

He will conclude by suggesting a slightly different notion of efficiency that may prove more productive.

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