Business model building

Business model building


Business model building  Programme Coordinator
Sabine Janssen
Director and Innovation Lead
+31 6 28 29 02 74

Products and services expire faster than ever before, industry boundaries are disappearing, sectors are being disrupted. Future proof companies constantly challenge their own business model, pushing the boundaries in the industry. Disrupt or be disrupted.

  • Start date: on request
  • Format: 8 online sessions. Self-paced online learning and 1 coaching session
  • Investment: € 6.395,- (2 persons)
  • Certificate by UMIO | Maastricht University

Learning objectives

In this track you will experience a structured approach to strategically innovate your company’s existing portfolio of business models and make them more sustainable. Helping you to strategically design and fortify your organization.

Learn from succesful business models

Learn how established companies are successfully innovating their business model & zooming into the business model of game changers.

Train your discovery muscle

Learn to discover, empathize with and understand the playing field. Learn to define windows of opportunities to fortify, strengthen, protect and grow existing and new business models, making them future-proof.

Learn how to implement business model innovation

Learn to work with what if scenario’s, learn how changing the rules of the game can create opportunities for new value creation, delivery or capturing. Learn how to test and de-risk your business model innovation, for smooth implementation.

This track is designed to help you move forward with your organisational case, challenge or ambition. In a personal intake before the track starts, your challenge will be framed together with one of our experts, the focus will be defined. In the track you will then apply all learnings to your case and get personal coaching. Immediate impact and acceleration of the next level of your team, unit or organization is guaranteed. Therefore we suggest to subscribe with at least two persons from one organization.

The track consists of 3 elements:

Element 1| 3 hours per week: Self-paced online learning

In our online learning platform you get access to the course material. Here you will have access to several videos, specifically recorded for the module. These videos you will need to watch before the start of each training topic. In addition you will get access to reading material specifically selected for the module and you will get assignments to perform before the start of the online sessions.

Element 2 | 2 x 1,5 hours per week: Online session

You will log in into our weekly online training sessions via zoom where you will meet up with the innovation trainer and the other participants. Our online sessions will focus on applying theory to practice in your team. You will be actively coached by the innovation trainer and will learn from the experience of other participants in the course.

In each online session also time will be reserved for Questions & Answers and reflection on the week

Element 3 | 1 hour per week: personal coaching

Each participant is entitled to one hour of 1 on 1 coaching per week.

This track is designed for experienced managers who are on their way to become innovation leaders instead of followers of innovation. You typically have at least 5 years of experience in a management role. It is possible to host the business model building track in-company exclusively for your team. Contact us for possibilities.


Business model building Programme Coordinator
Sabine Janssen
Director and Innovation Lead
+31 6 28 29 02 74

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