


Innovate/Strategy  Programme Coordinator
Sabine Janssen
Director and Innovation Lead
+31 6 28 29 02 74

Collaborate and ignite your future impact, co-creating bespoke innovation visions, strategies and roadmaps for your business and brand.

Products and services expire faster, industry boundaries are disappearing, sectors are disrupted. Future proof companies constantly challenge their own business model to expand the boundaries in the industry. Disrupt, or be disrupted.

With our innovate/strategy sessions we will guide your business through a strategic design sprint to future proof your strategy. This will be based on solid research into your organisation and its context. Using several proven methodologies, like imagineering, speculative futures and design thinking we will build a strategy that allows you to be agile and ready for the future.


We will curate a carefully selected multidisciplinary team from your organization. The project is led by a UMIO/Innovate project lead and service designer. We will also carefully recruit world-class students to create depth and fresh insights, as well as academic experts, PHD-students or professors from Maastricht University doing research in a field relevant to your business challenge.


4 to 12 weeks


  • A final presentation and a report on the most important research insights that form the basis for the new strategy
  • A visual document outlining the new strategy
  • A roadmap to work towards your new strategy
  • Commitment of your own employees with regard to the strategy
  • Learning about state-of-the-art innovation methods, tools and scientific knowledge

Innovation ways of working

Creating bespoke design and innovation visions, strategies and roadmaps for your business and brand.

Not every coach will be the right coach for you. We take the time to match you to a coach with the right experience specific to your individual or team challenges, skills and goals.

Once a week? Once a month? Once a quarter? Our coaching packages are tailored, by number and session length, around your personal or team needs.

Coaching is about connecting with people. So, we’ll always have empathy and understanding for your individual or team situation, whilst still challenging you at the right moments.

The more focused the better. We’ll agree desired outcomes early on, then drive progress in a structured way with an ongoing action plan and progress tracking.


Innovate/Strategy Programme Coordinator
Sabine Janssen
Director and Innovation Lead
+31 6 28 29 02 74

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