Service Science Factory

Service Science Factory


Service Science Factory  Programme Coordinator
Sabine Janssen
Director and Innovation Lead
+31 6 28 29 02 74

Services are becoming more and more important. Our economy is becoming increasingly service-oriented, leaving many organisations struggling to adapt. Research has shown that profit margins are higher for companies with a strong focus on service delivery.

With UMIO’s Service Science Factory (SSF), we help you identify business challenges and potential innovations, and make them tangible. Projects usually include qualitative and quantitative customer analysis, market trends analysis, competitor analysis, value analysis, service blueprinting, persona development, a range of new service ideas and a ready-to-implement service concept. Outcomes are however always adapted to the specific needs of our client organisation.


Service Science Factory Programme Coordinator
Sabine Janssen
Director and Innovation Lead
+31 6 28 29 02 74

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