IGOM and UMIO’s Change Management Masterclass: practical insights for a changing public sector

IGOM and UMIO’s Change Management Masterclass: practical insights for a changing public sector

Changing expectations, increasing complexity and a continuous demand for efficient service delivery make the work of civil servants and public sector leaders more challenging than ever. How can organisations effectively navigate this dynamic? The Change Management Masterclass equips professionals with the tools and insights needed to understand and guide change. Frank Dieters, manager at the municipality of Beekdaelen, participated in the masterclass–a collaboration between IGOM and UMIO: “You don’t just learn how change processes unfold, but also how to guide them effectively. That’s something I wish my colleagues get to experience, too, because many professionals face the same challenges.”

Frank’s motivation to join the masterclass stemmed from the growing challenges within the public sector. “The environment in which we operate as civil servants and leaders is changing rapidly. Expectations are sky-high. We all want to meet those expectations, but working in the public sector is increasingly difficult,” Frank explains. He sees it as his responsibility to support his organisation and colleagues and prepare them for this reality. “How can I ensure that we continue to change purposefully and systematically while staying true to our core values and our responsibility to serve the public good?”

With previous experience in the commercial sector, other government agencies, and a background in transition studies, Frank viewed the masterclass as a valuable addition. “The dynamics we face are the same throughout the public sector. That’s why I wanted to learn from others, both inside and outside municipal government, about how they deal with these challenges.”

Practical tools for change

The Change Management Masterclass helped Frank take a fresh look at his organisation. “It gets you thinking: is my department properly organised to achieve our goals? Have we designed our work processes in a way that supports us instead of hindering us?” he says. Within the municipality of Beekdaelen, there’s a clear ambition to shift from a focus on ‘rules and obligations’ to ‘organising and connecting.’ The masterclass provided him with concrete tools to translate this ambition into practice. “You start with your value proposition and think of your organisation to identify what needs to change, how do I structure it, and what do my people need to actually make it happen?” This reflection ensures that systems and processes better align with the societal mission the organisation has set for itself.

In the public sector, where changing expectations and increasing pressures are a daily reality, Frank also recognises the broader value of the masterclass. “There’s no blueprint for change, but the programme does provide the right questions and frameworks. That’s something I wish my colleagues get to experience, too, because many professionals face the same challenges.”

Theory, practice and personal reflection: a powerful combination

Frank believes that the setup of the Change Management Masterclass combines theory, practice, and reflection in a way that is directly applicable to the workplace. Participants start with a broad view of organisational studies and learn various perspectives and approaches to understanding organisations. This includes not only examining structure and division of labour but also translating overarching goals into specific steps for change.

“What sets the masterclass apart is the continuous link between theoretical insights and practical examples,” Frank explains. “The sessions allow room to immediately test the theory against your own work environment, which enhances its relevance and applicability. Putting theory into practice immediately makes it less abstract and offers immediate new insights.”

Additionally, there’s ample space for personal learning goals. By working from their own challenges, participants reflect on how their organisations are structured. Frank emphasises the value of this approach: “It helps you think sharper and make more conscious choices. You ask yourself questions you might not normally consider: does our organisational setup support the behaviour we want to see? When do you work participatively, and when do you take a more directive approach?” The programme’s structure, spread over three days, allows participants time to absorb and apply new insights.

The diversity within the group of participants is another valuable aspect of the masterclass, according to Frank: “It’s essential to sit down with professionals from other governments and organisations. You learn how they view similar challenges from their contexts, which provides new insights and fresh perspectives on your own situation.”

IGOM and UMIO: creating a real impact together

The collaboration between UMIO and IGOM combines the best of both worlds: UMIO’s academic expertise and up-to-date knowledge with IGOM’s practical relevance and regional connections. Frank notes, “For me, IGOM and UMIO stand for quality, both academically and substantively. The combination of practice and scientific insights provides a much stronger foundation for moving forward. Thanks to this excellent collaboration, the program creates real impact at both individual and organisational levels.”


Frank Dieters
Frank Dieters
Spatial Planning
Municipality of Beekdaelen

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Is your organisation constantly changing? In the Masterclass Change Management, you will learn what it takes to approach and lead change processes in your organisation with confidence.
Executive Education
3 Days

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