Academic alliance offers joint training for healthcare professionals

Academic alliance offers joint training for healthcare professionals

On 1 November, 24 healthcare professionals and executives from Maastricht UMC+ and Radboudumc started an intensive one-year programme to realise the strategic objectives of their organisations and to jointly build future-proof healthcare in the Netherlands. The programme was set up in close collaboration with Radboud Management Academy and UMIO | Maastricht University and is in line with the ambitions of the Academic Alliance.

Hospitals have a great responsibility for their patients and for their staff. Something that the coronapandemic has emphasised even more. Under pressure from social developments, they must increasingly prove and distinguish themselves with regard to the quality of care, the availability of care and the quality of work. It is important that managers have the ability to reflect on developments from various perspectives and that they can make adjustments if necessary. Learning from each other beyond the borders of one’s own organisation is indispensable for successful innovation and cooperation.

Stronger together than alone

This autumn, Maastricht UMC+ and Radboudumc started a joint training programme for a core group of healthcare professionals in which perspectives from (socio-organisational) business administration and leadership are used to deal with complexity. The programme is aimed at medical specialists in leadership roles, leaders of centres, care pathways, departments and research institutes, nurse leaders, managers of support services and young talent with the potential to progress to a leadership role. This mixed company makes it possible to learn from each other across functions, levels and organisations.

“That is exactly what we are aiming for with the Academic Alliance: to share knowledge and expertise with each other in order to face the common social challenges.”

Dr Helen Mertens – Maastricht UMC+ Board Chair


The content of the programme was designed in consultation with representatives of both umbrella organisations. Content and guidance was provided by Radboud Management Academy and UMIO | Maastricht University. Both organisations have extensive experience in supporting professionals in dealing with complex issues and future-proofing their organisations.

“As umc’s we have the responsibility to make healthcare more sustainable and future-proof. This new training for our professionals definitely contributes to this and I am confident that we will benefit from it in the future.”

Bertine Lahuis – Radboudumc Board Chair

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