Start of joint leadership course ‘Building Future-proof Hospital Care’

Start of joint leadership course ‘Building Future-proof Hospital Care’

On 4 and 5 September 2024, 24 healthcare professionals and executives from Maastricht UMC+ and Radboudumc will start their leadership training, ‘Building Future-proof Hospital Care’. UMIO will provide this programme for the second time in close cooperation with the Radboud Management Academy and the Academic Alliance.

Radboudumc and Maastricht UMC+ have been closely collaborating since 2018 within the Academic Alliance, a strategic collaboration through which they jointly take social and academic responsibility for shaping the healthcare of the future. In it, they work together on innovations for high quality and sustainability of care, prevention and maintaining and improving the health of the population. Learning from each other beyond the boundaries of one’s own organisation is, therefore, a rich and indispensable source of inspiration to successfully shape innovation and (medical) cooperation.

As part of this collaboration, healthcare professionals and executives from both umc’s were selected to participate in the course Building Future-proof Hospital Care.


This training’s objective is threefold. First, bringing professionals from both organisations together provides a context in which they can get to know each other and learn from each other in order to boost cooperation between the two organisations. Second, the programme focuses on the individual professional development of the participants and third, the programme aims to provide targeted support for the development of both organisations and the cooperation within the Academic Alliance.


Gabriël Zwart, member of the Executive Board of Maastricht UMC+, is involved in the programme and pleased with the start of the second edition: “Healthcare is changing at lightning speed. This demands flexibility and innovativeness from us as academic hospitals. This means there is also a strong need for innovative leadership. I am pleased that we have again found talented people from Nijmegen and Maastricht who will develop in this field. Moreover, it is valuable that we are tackling this from within the Academic Alliance. After all, as Radboudumc and Maastricht UMC+, we face the same challenges. With this programme, we learn from each other and invest in our relationship, now and in the future.”


This programme consists of 13 module days bundled in 8 modules as part of a leadership development programme. For both organisations, it is important that managers have the ability to reflect on developments within and outside their own organisation from multiple perspectives and that they can make adjustments if necessary. Specific questions relevant here are:

  • Given the challenges we face as a society, what is the social task of hospitals in this context, and what forms of cooperation are needed to achieve this?
  • How can the hospital organisation be designed and changed in such a way that patients and care professionals are central, the hospital organisation remains agile and medical care can be provided in an economically sustainable manner now and in the future?
  • What does it mean to lead a continuously evolving organisation, in a complex environment, and what skills are needed to do so?

This programme uses perspectives from (socio-organisational) business administration and leadership to address the above questions. The chosen working methods encourage cooperation between participants from both organisations and learning from each other. The programme provides a rich learning environment for individual participants, with UMIO’s characteristic optimal mix of theory and practice to optimise participants’ growth.

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