UMIO Lecturers and Experts

Arno Riedl

Professor of Economics
Maastricht University

Arno Riedl uses tools and methods of behavioural and experimental economics and game theory to investigate individual and interactive decision-making in a variety of social and economic situations. His research approach is strongly interdisciplinary using insights from biology, psychology, neuroscience and economics. He has published in top general interest journals as well as top journals in economics, biology, neuroscience, and political science.

Arno is – among other things – a fellow of the International Center for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn, Germany (since 2004), the Center for Economic Studies/Institute for Economic Research (CESifo), Munich, Germany (since 2006), and the Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement (Netspar), Tilburg, the Netherlands (since 2009). Since 2015 he heads the Maastricht University Center of Neureconomics (MU-CEN).

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