UMIO Lecturers and Experts

Christoph Feichter

Assistant Professor of Management Accounting
Maastricht University

Christoph Feichter is Assistant Professor in Managerial Accounting at the Department for Strategy and Innovation. He holds a PhD from Maastricht University, where he also worked as Assistant Professor before. He has done several long-term research visits at top research universities, including the University of Texas at Austin (USA), the University of Waterloo (Canada), and the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (USA).

Christoph conducts behavioural management control research. He examines how organisations design their performance management systems, how supervisors use these systems and how they affect the employee behaviour. For example, his research shows how multi-divisional organisations structure their target-setting systems; how performance targets on routine tasks can boost employees’ creativity; and how supervisors use their subjectivity when setting performance targets and when evaluating their employees. While his main research method are laboratory experiments, he also works with survey and archival data in his research projects. The results of his research have been published in the The Accounting Review and Journal of Management Accounting Research.

Christoph has taught a large variety of courses at Bachelor-, Master-, and Postgraduate-level. While the main focus of his teaching has been on management accounting and control, he also taught courses in many other fields such as finance, strategic management, and philosophy of science. The course settings have been very diverse and range from small group problem-based learning, over company project courses, to lecture style classes.

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