UMIO Lecturers and Experts

Ellen Bastiaens

Deputy Director EDLAB & Chief Education Information Officer
Maastricht University

After obtaining her PhD in educational science, Ellen developed herself as an experienced project manager in the educational domain. In recent years, she has initiated and developed various programmes at the intersection of policy and strategy and educational innovation. In doing so, she builds networks with stakeholders in the faculties and look for connecting ideas and people. Paraphrasing Hannibal (without a cigar): “I love it when ideas/people come together”.

As Deputy Director of EDLAB, she coordinates in the Technology Enhanced Education (TEE) programme with which they want to optimise teaching support at our university from various angles. In addition, she is working on developing a blueprint to improve coordination between all initiatives and forums @UM, with the ultimate goal of improving the study experience of students and the teaching experience of teachers.

Ellen connects her work at EDLAB with her other job as Chief Education Information Officer, where she oversees the developments in the I-education domain and the associated systems and services.

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