UMIO Lecturers and Experts

Katlijn Haesebrouck

Assistant Professor of Accounting
Maastricht University

Katlijn Haesebrouck joined Maastricht University as an Assistant Professor of Accounting in 2016, after obtaining her Ph.D. from KU Leuven (Belgium). Her main area of expertise is managerial accounting and control based on the experimental method.

One of Katlijn’s main research interests revolves around knowledge sharing in organisations. Questions she addressed are for example, how organisations can motivate employees to share knowledge (incentive system design), how the hierarchical organisational structure affects knowledge sharing, and what makes employees share information incorrectly (misreporting, budgeting). Part of this research has been published in The accounting Review.

As part of a Foundation for Auditing Research Grant on “Culture controls in audit firms”, she investigates the way audit firms in the Netherlands use culture controls, the extent to which these culture controls result in employees internalising the organisational objective of high audit quality, and the factors that influence this relationship.

Katlijn is a member of the multidisciplinary research themes “Human Decisions and Policy Design” and “Culture, Ethics and Leadership”.

Katlijn coordinates and teaches managerial accounting and information management courses, supervises master theses and guides a PhD student.

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