UMIO Lecturers and Experts

Sabine Janssen

Director and Innovation Lead

Sabine is an Innovation Programme and Project Leader at UMIO with an ambition to grow the innovation engine within professionals, teams and organisations. What UMIO/Innovate does: “We help businesses to better understand their customers and translating this empathy into viable business strategies.” Sabine loves training teams and leading projects in the field of strategy by design, which represents a human centred way to innovation. This way of thinking is rooted in design thinking and lean start-ups, the DNA of our innovation success formula at UMIO/Innovate. UMIO/Innovate is part of UMIO | Maastricht University and leads the expertise area of service design thinking. Sabine has a background in International Business and Consultancy. As Head of UMIO/Innovate, she enjoys to futurize UMIO’s own business strategy in a co-creative way and optimally capitalising on the superpowers in the team.

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