UMIO Lecturers and Experts
Sascha Bloemhoff

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Sascha Bloemhoff

Marketing Director

Sascha Bloemhoff joined Niaga in January 2020 as Marketing Director with the assignment to build the Niaga® brand. Niaga is an innovation venture acquired by Covestro in 2021 as part of DSM RFM. Prior to Niaga Sascha started her career as strategy consultant with PriceWaterhouseCoopers in the financial and energy sector where she was already very much involved with ESG investing and renewable energy projects. After this she worked as Commercial Director and Managing Director in the start-up phase of innovation ventures in wind energy, carbon emissions trading and data science. From there she moved to building new ecosystems through public private partnerships for hydrogen, mobility and a circular economy. Typical for Sascha’s work is that she creates the systemic fundaments in areas where this has never been done before.

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