UMIO Lecturers and Experts

Simon de Jong

Professor in Organisation Studies
Maastricht University

Prof. dr. Simon B. de Jong is a (Full) Professor in Organisation Studies at the Department of Organisation, Strategy, & Entrepreneurship (OSE). In his research he tries to gain more understanding on the dynamics of team work, the challenges for achieving good job and organisational designs, and the characteristics of effective (top) leadership and HRM. Additionally, together with various co-authors, he also investigates other topics such as change management in the circular economy, workplace loneliness, and the effects of Artificial Intelligence in organisations. In our research we use a range of methodologies, approaches, and levels of analysis (i.e., ranging from the relational/dyadic level, to the individual-, team-, department-, and organization-levels). Our work has been published in top scientific journals, such as the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of World Business, Human Relations, HRM Journal, and Organization Science.

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