UMIO Lecturers and Experts

Ton Geurts

Business Director
Brightlands Institute for Supply Chain Innovation

A.V.M.M. Geurts has a Law degree from the University of Nijmegen. In 2013 he did the Harvard AMP 184 program.

He worked as a senior executive in DSM, then top executive in AkzoNobel and Bekaert as CPO/SVP Supply Chain Excellence, in M&A, sustainability, business en program management on advancing capabilities and performance in the IoT and Excellence programs.

For seven years acted as chairman/board member driving the internationalisation of the NGO/CSO Solidaridad.

Passion for sustainability and the highest business standards is combined with a huge interest in building and shaping organisations.

As a networker he relishes working in complex environments, exploring new horizons and enjoys learning from other cultures.

Currently he is guest lecturer at the Business Schools of Maastricht, Vlerick and Erasmus Universities and Business Development Director of the Brightlands Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (BISCI) in Venlo, the Netherlands.

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