UMIO Lecturers and Experts

Wim Gijselaers

Professor in Education
Maastricht University

Prof. Dr. Wim Gijselaers is a full professor in education, and chair of the Department of Educational Research and Development of the School of Business and Economics, at Maastricht University the Netherlands, since 1999.

He holds a MSc degree in Education Sciences with a specialisation in Research Methodology from Radboud University Nijmegen, and a PhD from Maastricht University. His PhD was on quality management in higher education.

His current research focuses on judgment and decision making in Auditing, and expertise development. He received several grants from the Dutch Government and the Dutch Science Foundation for educational development projects and fundamental research. Over the past 25years, he was involved with the implementation and further development of Problem-Based Learning in the Economics and International Business Programs at this University.

Wim’s key qualifications are in the areas of educational research, change management, and consultancy for institutions of higher education. He is a regular contributor to academic journals and books about innovation in business education.

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