High quality, international, personal, interactive and varied; MaastrichtMBA’s Executive On-Campus MBA is a unique journey that expands knowledge and enriches skills through action-oriented learning.
What is the Executive On-Campus MBA?
The MaastrichtMBA – Executive On-Campus MBA is an international Master of Business Administration programme targeted at professionals worldwide. Thanks to its flexible part-time format, the MBA is well-suited for the busy executive professional.
In two years, you will advance your management and leadership skills through action-oriented learning that encompasses business practice and interactive co-creation with professors and fellow students.
Next to our On-Campus MBA, we also offer an Online track.
What can you do with an MBA?
After completing the MBA, you are not just equipped with the necessary skills to lead yourself, your team, and your organisation, but also better connected to meet organisational and societal challenges and turn them into opportunities for a better world.
Becoming more aware of your personal motivations, values, qualities, weaknesses, and leadership views gives you a deeper insight into your own skills and capabilities, which allows you to develop an authentic leadership style.
Upon graduating this Executive MBA, you will receive a Master of Science certificate by UMIO | Maastricht University accredited by the NVAO. Thanks to our Triple Crown accreditation, the value of this degree is also recognised worldwide.