Masterclasses for Finance Professionals

Masterclasses for Finance Professionals

Quick facts

Language: Dutch


Masterclasses for Finance Professionals  Programme Coordinator
Rogier Deumes
Programme Director & Assistant Professor in Corporate Governance
+31 6 288 24 290

UMIO offers opportunities for Finance Professionals to acquire the right knowledge and the required CE hours.

A degree alone is no longer sufficient. Keeping up and gaining more professional knowledge by attending seminars and conferences, participating in workshops, customized or “on the job” training, and reading professional journals is indispensable.

What are Masterclasses for Finance Professionals?

A degree alone is no longer sufficient. Keeping up and gaining more professional knowledge by attending seminars and conferences, participating in workshops, customized or “on the job” training, and reading professional journals is indispensable. And often mandatory. Many professions and employers operate a PE program, where it is your responsibility to earn the required PE credits each year. UMIO offers opportunities to acquire knowledge and the required CE points (“PE-punten” in Dutch)”.

Maastricht University School of Business and Economics is a recognized educational institution for Continuing Education based on criteria such as customer satisfaction, quality, continuity and business orientation. In addition, our business school is accredited by EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System), AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) and AMBA (Association of MBAs).


Masterclasses for Finance Professionals Programme Coordinator
Rogier Deumes
Programme Director & Assistant Professor in Corporate Governance
+31 6 288 24 290

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About UMIO

UMIO is the executive educationbranch of the Maastricht University School of Business and Economics. UMIO offers various programmes designed to help you advance in your career. Our programmes are also available in-company and can be tailored to the needs of your organisation.

UMIO has a social purpose and therefore no profit motive. The strategy is to unlock the knowledge and expertise of the university for individuals, companies and organisations. This is reflected in our prices.

About Maastricht University

Located in the heart of Europe, Maastricht University is the most international university in the Netherlands. Maastricht University is known for its Problem-Based Learning and international orientation. Students work together in small groups to solve real-world problems.

The Maastricht University School of Business and Economics is accredited by AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS, giving it Triple Crown Accreditation.  Only 1% of Business Schools in the world have these three accreditations.

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