Procurement Leadership Programme

Procurement Leadership Programme

Quick facts

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Language: English
Location: Maastricht & Stockholm
Duration: 9 months
Fee: €17,099
Available In-Company


Procurement Leadership Programme  Programme Coordinator
Daria Doets
Programme Coordinator
+31 43 388 44 88

The Nevi Procurement Leadership Programme (PLP) is the best choice for professionals working in procurement (and other fields) who really want to take their personal and professional leadership to the next level.

Strengthen your strategic leadership with our Procurement Leadership Programme

Do you have the ambition to develop your leadership skills in line with the latest business and procurement trends? Would you like to learn how to apply your new leadership skills effectively in your business so that you increase your business impact? Enroll for the Procurement Leadership Programme! 

The world around us is constantly in development, from society, technology and the economy to geo-politics, government regulation and further. This has a direct impact on value chains, supply chains and supplier markets. To fortify your leadership position in this volatile world, a broad and strategic outlook on reality (particularly the reality of procurement) is essential. The Procurement Leadership Programme enables you to deepen and broaden your outlook on the world.

CPOs from leading companies will share their insights during the programme and help you find solutions for today’s greatly increased business and purchasing complexity. All of the knowledge you acquire in the Procurement Leadership Programme is based on the latest scientific insights and enriched with lessons from professional practice. In other words, it’s a deep dive into procurement at C- level.

Is PLP the programme for you?

The Procurement Leadership Programme has been specifically developed for senior professionals who have a leadership role to fulfill in today’s turbulent procurement and supply chain management world. We enable these professionals to navigate their way through this turbulence. PLP combines groundbreaking insights with experiential learning to develop leaders who can think and act strategically and holistically. We stimulate our participants to meet today’s challenges head on, but also inspire them to shape the future with vision and integrity.

If this chimes with your ambitions, then PLP is the programme for you.

More information & admission procedure

For more information please check the website of Nevi.


The programme consists of six content modules, supplemented with coaching and mentoring and a final project workshop, which will give you an extensive introduction to relevant management areas. A Value For Business workshop completes the package. The modules combine interactive discussions, real-life cases, group work and guest presentations. Each module has its own main theme:

  1. Introduction PLP + Contextual & Responsible Leadership
  2. Developing Sustainable Strategies
  3. Developing New Future-proof Procurement Operating Models
  4. Measuring & Managing Finance and Business Impact 
  5. Orchestrating Value Chains for Innovation
  6. Implementing Change & Make it Happen 

The first module is longer than the others, as it includes an extra 1.5-day introduction. Between the modules, you will take part in coaching and mentoring meetings, and work on your assignments and the final project. The results of the final projects are presented in a workshop setting. PLP culminates in a graduation ceremony.   

The modules are taught in Maastricht from Wednesday thru Friday. In the evening, all participants have dinner together in Maastricht and there will also be time to relax.

One particularly interesting element of the PLP is the three-day study trip to Stockholm, Sweden. The Finance module will be taught by an internationally acclaimed Accounting & Finance Professor of Stockholm School of Economics. You will receive new insights from leading guest speakers and you will visit a Swedish multinational company.


Procurement Leadership Programme Programme Coordinator
Daria Doets
Programme Coordinator
+31 43 388 44 88

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About UMIO

UMIO is the executive educationbranch of the Maastricht University School of Business and Economics. UMIO offers various programmes designed to help you advance in your career. Our programmes are also available in-company and can be tailored to the needs of your organisation.

UMIO has a social purpose and therefore no profit motive. The strategy is to unlock the knowledge and expertise of the university for individuals, companies and organisations. This is reflected in our prices.

About Maastricht University

Located in the heart of Europe, Maastricht University is the most international university in the Netherlands. Maastricht University is known for its Problem-Based Learning and international orientation. Students work together in small groups to solve real-world problems.

The Maastricht University School of Business and Economics is accredited by AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS, giving it Triple Crown Accreditation.  Only 1% of Business Schools in the world have these three accreditations.

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