Strategy meets behaviour

Strategy meets behaviour

Does it make sense to design strategies in disruptive times? Yes it does! The question is how to build the business of the future and design a strategy that really works in the long run. Design principles like aspiration, strategic discipline, innovation and disruptive behaviour can guide us to a more sustainable future for all. It becomes increasingly apparent that organisations that understand these design principles will be more successful.

By presenting numerous insightful examples, original ideas and key questions, Edward Huizenga’s recent publication Strategy Meets Behaviour: New Design Principles to Innovate reveals how to build a sustainable strategy along six design principles.

Six design principles for strategy and innovation


Aspiration illustrates how to define a winning challenge in order to realise something bigger.


The strategic discipline principle deals with the balance act between playing and winning.


The motivation of people and teams and their drivers to adjust and accept chance of failure.


 This is all about (re)shaping the behaviour of customers, leaders and employees.


Innovation is an investment design rule; a balancing act of exploration over exploitation.


This refers to taking responsibility by providing life changing values or social impact.

Design Principles Strategy Meets Behaviour

About the author

Prof. dr. Edward Huizenga (1970) holds an Extraordinary Professor Chair in Strategy, Innovation and Change at Maastricht University. This Business Practice Chair is part of UMIO, the executive branch of Maastricht University’s School of Business and Economics.

Edward teaches in executive programmes at Maastricht University, Amsterdam Business School, University of Amsterdam, and Nanyang Technology University Singapore.

Edward Huizenga

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Strategy meets behaviour: New design principles to innovate

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