Navigating Transformation: Researching and Defining Strategy at MUAC

EUROCONTROL Maastricht Upper Area Control Center (MUAC) found itself at a crossroads. Striving to align with the evolving landscape of ATM data services, keep its services’ quality continuously excellent, and market its highly effective and efficient software solutions, MUAC searched for guidance and fresh perspectives. To do so, MUAC collaborated with UMIO’s Service Science Factory […]

Kick-off Brightlands AI Academy in Venlo

Brightlands-AI-Academy (1)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is creating more and more impact on our daily lives. Image recognition and interpretation, production robots, personalised suggestions on Netflix and self-driving cars are all AI examples. AI makes processes smarter and more autonomous. The need for skilled AI employees is massive, and it brings a major challenge along: the war on […]

UMind takes problem based learning to the next level


Maastricht University is known for its Problem Based Learning (PBL), where students learn in small tutorial groups under the supervision of a tutor. In order to bring PBL to the next level and make use of digital innovations, the UM I-portfolio Board sponsors initiatives. Within the university BISS (Brightlands Institute for Smart Society), IDS (Institute […]

UMIO brings design thinking to Cape Town

UMIO Stellenbosch Cape Town

In November, UMIO’s Carmen Vonken and Dominique Meyers taught an elective course about Design Thinking and Innovation at the University of Stellenbosch Business School. We spoke to them about their experiences in South Africa. Design Thinking is a method for solving problems or developing new products and services in a practical and creative way. “It […]

Erasmus+ grant for developing executive study module on service design thinking

Eramus Grant

Implementing Service Design Thinking at the highest level of organisations; that is the goal of the study module that the Department of Marketing & Supply Chain Management (SBE) and the Service Science Factory (UMIO) will co-develop. A consortium that also consists of Tallinn University, Stockholm School of Economics and design consultancy firm Brand Manual received […]